Archiv der Kategorie: StudyBay

Thr Studybay

Thr Studybay

This service is a place where the authors provide their services in writing texts for students. Recently, such a service this received significant development since learning in schools, colleges or universities has become much more difficult for study. Very often, students simply do not have time to complete homework in time and write other works, such as an essay or a dissertation. Therefore, many of them are faced with the need to find quality service where they can get competent assistance from professional authors.

Here, students can find an offer from writers from around the world and independently choose an author for their work.

To date, this firm is the most popular on the Internet, and all the reviews about it are excellent. If we analyze customer feedback on the written works, then most often the bad reviews may arise against individual authors who in one degree or another did not adequately fulfill their obligations. In this case, the service becomes entirely on the client’s side and helps to return the money in full.

What is Studybay in the USA?

The company operates on the American market for several years. During this time, it managed to establish itself as a reliable service with a large number of opportunities for both writers and students who want to order a paper.
If we look at the firm from the point of view of writers, the service is very relevant since the number of tasks that come to perform is incredibly broad and every day the base of orders is replenished with new works. This approach allows each author to choose between one or another task and perform the most appropriate one in terms of cost or in deadline. Almost all types of work on entirely different subjects can be ordered here. In this case, the degree of difficulty in performing the task is absolutely irrelevant.

About the project Studybay

As for the functionality of this service for students, at the moment, the firm offers the lowest prices and the most optimal conditions for the performance of various works. The registration procedure on the web site of the company is straightforward, and all that a student needs after he/she has received a task in an educational institution is to go to the web address of the site to register and place the task. After that, the student will receive a large number of bids from different authors and will be able to choose one or another author regarding price proposals independently.

Is Studybay genuine?

Today, the company is a very functional service and has a number of reasons why it occupies a leading position in the market. The company provides monthly services to hundreds of clients and writers from around the world. If you pay attention to the reviews that the company gets on the Internet, they are rather good considering the volumes that the company performs annually.

The company’s reputation in the market is always on top. Due to the high rating, the company is able to provide both performers and customers with the highest level of service.

However, it is not a secret that absolutely any company has both positive and negative sides in their activities. For this reason, it is worth looking first of all at the advantages of cooperation with this company.

The advantages of working with a company for writers

It is essential to understand that the company always tries to provide all the writers on its service with the most convenient and comfortable working conditions. Among the advantages of working with this company are the following:

  • Due to the fact that the customer cooperates with the contractor, the service ensures the absence of intermediaries;
  • Writers absolutely do not need to pay any commission;
  • The company itself guarantees payments to writers;
  • Authors receive hundreds of task offers every day;
  • The rules of cooperation between the writer and the student are specified in the agreement, the implementation of which is regulated by the firm.

The benefits of working with a company for students

The company carefully takes care of that the clients of the service receive a decent level of papers and are satisfied with both the uniqueness of their writing and the high level of assignment. So, the main advantages of working on the service for clients are as follows:

  • High-speed order fulfillment;
  • The lowest price offers on the market of writing works online (check Google);
  • The ability to write work on absolutely any subject and with any level of complexity;
  • Payment is not transferred from the client’s account before the customer completes the work to the fullest;
  • The presence of a 20-day warranty period to verify the uniqueness of the work and its compliance with all the necessary parameters;
  • The client can always choose one or another author;
  • The ability not to make a 100% payment immediately;
  • The ability to track the process of writing work and making changes in the course of the work.

The benefits of working with Studybay

Does Studybay work?

The company has been working in America for more than a year and helps all students to complete their homework correctly. The activity of the service is beneficial for all points of view. If we imagine that an average student studying at the university does not always have the opportunity to perform the task given to him/her in a particular subject, it is thanks to this firm that real professionals can come to the rescue. In this case, the student will not need to worry and puzzle over how to perform the task at the proper level.

The reasons why students do not always have time to perform tasks are different. Sometimes there are situations when a student begins to write a paper and stops at the stage when he/she does not know what to do next. Or, on the contrary, initially does not know how to proceed with the execution of a particular task. The work of the service for students in the United States is incredibly successful and useful.

It should also be understood that those students who apply to this company act very wisely because they do not burden themselves with excessive workload and can perform the rest of the tasks that they are given independently. Thus, the firm actually helps hundreds of students to get an education and complete all tasks on time successfully.

Is Studybay legit/legal in the USA?

To date, there is no law or rule that prohibits the activities of the service. So it is better to consider this issue in more detail both from a moral point of view and from a legal point of view to more clearly understand how legitimate the activity of this firm is.

If we consider the service from a moral point of view, then surely these are the teachers or the parents of the students that often hint that using such a service is wrong. That thanks to such service, students do not receive a proper education because absolutely other people do it for them. There is a widespread belief that those students who use this service become more lazy and carefree since professionally trained writers perform all tasks for them.

It should be understood that every student knows his/her own situation in the educational process better than others. Sometimes the load on other subjects is quite large and in order to keep up with the learning process, many of the students willingly use this service. As a result, absolutely everyone wins. The progress of students is significantly increased, and high scores come to the place of low grades that help students for further admission at various educational institutions.

Thus, the advantages and convenience of this company for students are apparent. Such enthusiasm is usually not shared by teachers who are ready for anything so that such services simply cease to exist and no longer help students get high marks on specific subjects.

As for the legality of the work of the service itself from a legal point of view, the firm has a legitimate business. This can be argued after one carefully examines the site of the service itself. Company’s website openly shows all the necessary information about the place of registration of the service and also clearly specifies all the rules for both students and writers.

Thus, before starting work on a service, a student and a writer must necessarily agree with all the rights that are prescribed on the service. In other words, within the framework of the firm, there are no hidden conditions, and thus, the service wholly and entirely honestly facilitates cooperation between the writer and the student.

One of the basic principles of this service is the maximum uniqueness of the work and deadlines are performed to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, the company is absolutely transparent for both students and writers, and therefore, there can be no illegal activity.

Since the service was initially aimed at ensuring that students receive uniquely performed work here, there can be no talk of the fact that writers are engaged in plagiarism or violation of the property rights of other authors of texts since all texts are written from scratch.

Stay away from clones of Studybay

It goes without saying that as soon as the service became popular, a considerable number of companies appeared that decided to take advantage of it. In other words, such dishonest companies began to launch a large number of similar sites and resources and impersonate themselves with original service.

It is essential to pay attention to which exactly site you are visiting and make sure that the site is original. The official website of the company is made very competently and with a good design. Thus, sites that copy this service cannot provide on their resources, even minimal resemblance to the official website of the company. Therefore, it is worth being as careful as possible and not become one of those students who didn’t pay attention to the site’s name or confused its official Internet address. Most often, these students become an attractive target for fraudsters who ultimately refuse to fulfill their obligations.

Does Studybay promote cheating?

A company that works all over the world for several years is unlikely to be called fraudulent. The fact is that usually, fraudulent companies work for a short time, and during this period, they manage to deceive a large number of students. In this case, the service is absolutely honest and works in the global market absolutely transparent. This fact allows both the writer and the students to receive everything they need correctly.

If you analyze the reviews about the firm itself, then there are hardly any who say that the service is fraudulent. Often, such statements are related to sites that copy this company name and dishonestly deal with their customers. Still, the official website always positions itself as an open platform where freelancers and students collaborate with each other.

The service does not charge any writers no commission for their work. And for students, there are no prerequisites and rules to pay for the services of a writer before they get their hands on ready-made work. Thus, students are protected in the matter of performing all tasks. After the work is completed, students have the opportunity to thoroughly study the work for 20 days and check its quality and level of uniqueness.

Moreover, each student has the opportunity to watch the draft fragments of the work that the writer performs and immediately understand how the task is progressing. Not every service provides such transparent working conditions for both the customer and the contractor. That is why the activity of the service in no way can be fraudulent.

Is Studybay a scam?

In short, the firm is not a scam. The terms of cooperation prescribed on the website of the company completely exclude the possibility of fraud with both writers and students. The site does not provide any charge for the performance of work beforehand and does not require the performers to pay commissions for a particular task.

Thus, the web site only provides the opportunity for freelance authors to perform a particular task for students. Moreover, the website plays the function of regulating the relationship between the customer and the performer without having any relation to the payment for writing assignments in advance or charging a fee after completing the work.

Is Studybay fraud?

If you analyze all the reviews about the work of the company, then you practically will not find many that would indicate that the web site is fraudulent. Nevertheless, single reviews with such statements often do not have any arguments.

Moreover, the payment for the service is carried out properly by transferring funds through card payments operators like VISA, MasterCard and Payoneer. This really the best option of how to pay to service. Nevertheless, if the site were fraudulent, then after contacting customers in any of these companies, their cooperation would be immediately terminated. As already mentioned, the essay website works for a very long time and does not experience any problems with either paying for the work done or returning money to customers. It is also worth noting that the service always carefully considers all disputable situations and in case the executor violates his/her obligations, the firm always takes the side of the student and fully returns all funds contributed.

In order to better understand all the transparency of the site, it is worth noting in what cases students can get their money back. A refund occurs in the following circumstances:

  • Failure to complete work by a writer;
  • The author’s refusal to make corrections after completing the work and during the 20-day period;
  • Author’s refusal to make corrections while writing;
  • A low percentage of uniqueness of written work;
  • Non-compliance with the stated requirements for the performance of work.

Thus, it can be seen that the web site does not undertake any fraudulent actions, but on the contrary helps to ensure that the interaction between the customer and the contractor is as transparent as possible and complies with all the rules stated on the site.

Studybay review in the USA

Each year, the web site performs thousands of papers for students from the United States as well as for many other students, regardless of where they study. Such a service is real salvation as it helps to properly perform any task and get high marks in the educational process. The fact is that this company is very beneficial primarily for customers as it helps in a short time to get high-quality and unique work and to be able to spend free time at the client’s discretion.

If you have a situation when you need in a short time to hand over several works on different subjects, you can safely entrust the execution of one of these works to professionals and fully concentrate on the performance of another task. Thus, each student has the opportunity to more closely treat one or another subject and increase their own level of academic achievement.

It is also worth noting that for some students, training is also associated with the need for additional income. Accordingly, in such a situation, not everyone has the opportunity to devote oneself to the learning process fully. To continue their studies successfully, students often resort to the chance to use this firm and resolve all critical situations at school.

What Reddit users say about Studybay

Most of the reviews about this firm on Reddit are more or less favorable from both the writers and the students. Basically, these reviews contain the practical experience of using the service in a given period of time. Also, students are very willing to share feedback on a particular writer with whom they collaborated. Sometimes these reviews are harmful due to the fact that the student initially chose the cheapest option to perform a task and, accordingly, the selected author had a low level of knowledge.

Such reviews actually have no complaint about the service itself and directly blame the writers who performed specific tasks. For each student, it is imperative to pay attention to how they choose a writer. The fact is that after the placement of the task, students receive hundreds of proposals from different writers with different prices and conditions. It is at this stage that it is essential to choose not so much a cheap author, but rather to read reviews about a particular author and practical experience of performing various tasks. Thus, the student can protect oneself from cases when the work was presented with a low percentage of uniqueness or did not meet the stated requirements.

Quality essays on Studybay

The quality of the written article, first of all, depends on the author chosen by the student. The fact is that in this matter, they strive to follow the cheapest bid is not the right decision. It is necessary to understand that the level of knowledge of each author is entirely different and genuinely professional authors never do work for cheap.

If you want to get high results in writing your essay, you must carefully read the reviews about each author and choose those bids that are not the lowest in price.

The company’s website has an online calculator that helps each student roughly estimate the cost of an essay. You can approximately understand how much will your work cost and more competently take decisions about the choice of one or another author.

How to calculate the price of the order

Studybay’s user ratings

After the student receives the complete assignment, he/she is asked to leave a review about the author who wrote this work. This practice is correct since later authors with low marks will be filtered among other students.

Moreover, it will help save significant time when choosing one or another author. Thus, the firm tries to eliminate as much as possible all low-quality authors so that over time, students can only use the services of proven writers and get exceptionally high results with an excellent level of uniqueness.

If you analyze most of the reviews about the service, then you can see that many of them indicate that very often students come across authors with deficient levels of training. Since the company automatically provides the opportunity for a student to choose an author, in this case, it is the customer who decides which author will do his/her work.


If the author has done your paper qualitatively and on time, you can describe in detail all its advantages and continue your cooperation in the future on all other tasks that you will have. If the author has not correctly completed your assignment, you can write about it and thereby not to cooperate with him/her later. It is essential to write precisely reasoned reviews so that you and other students can clearly understand exactly what a positive or negative experience has arisen with a particular author.

How to post a review about Studybay

The option to write a review about the author will appear with you immediately after you accept a task and agree with its implementation. After that, you can leave a positive or negative review about the author and thereby increase his/her rating or reduce it if there were any reasons for it.

It should be noted that your review should be sincere and truthful, as there are cases when a student who provided not all the materials for writing a work ultimately remains dissatisfied with the quality of performance and unreasonably leaves a negative review about this or that author. So try to objectively weigh the situation and write a really correct review about the writer.

How to use Studybay

Using the service is very simple and transparent. The company was able to achieve this level of popularity among all participants of the service.

How the firm works for writers?

To properly imagine how writers can use with this company, it is worth describing all the processes from the time of registration in stages.

Login and register at first

First of all, you need to find the Log in button on the service web site. If you decide to use the service as a writer for the first time, you will need to create a similar application and fill in all the necessary information, including personal contact information and information about your education.

How it works

The company’s staff will carefully analyze this application. By itself, the procedure for registering your application usually does not take much time, and after it is completed, you can get full access to all the information on orders from students.

Analyze the offers

As soon as the staff makes a favorable decision that you are suitable for working on the service as a writer, you will be able to access the database of all student orders. Subsequently, you can choose among the thousands of tasks, precisely the one that suits you the most. For this, it is most convenient to use the filter located on the academic writing services USA websites.

Check the one you like and look through all its details

We pay your attention that when you choose a task, it is necessary to carefully analyze all the requirements put forward by the customer for this task. Thus, you will understand in advance precisely what the author wants to get in the end.

Offer your own price

By selecting a particular task, you can see the amount that the customer offers and accordingly offer your own cost. Please note that this service is built on the principle of the auction, and most often, the customer will choose the order that best suits his/her price. If you are just a novice author, you should indicate an amount that will not coincide with your status and level.

Receive notification email

After you have made your price offer to a particular client, and if the client is satisfied with your price offer, you will receive an email notification. It is necessary to confirm whether you are ready to perform this task in the received letter.

Cooperate with student edits

As soon as you begin to write the work, you need to be prepared for the fact that the student will monitor the writing process itself and possibly make any objections and corrections. To do this, you will need to systematically provide the customer with draft versions of various sections of the work. Thus, the student will be able to see in advance how a particular task is performed and correct it.

Upload a written paper to the service website

When you finish writing an essay, there is no need to drop it directly to the student. Instead, you will need to download the final version of the work on the company’s web site so that the student can see the work in full and check its uniqueness and level of writing.

Scheme of work

Please also note that the presence of grammatical and spelling errors in the final part of the work is unacceptable. Therefore, so that you do not have to make a large number of edits, try to approach the work as well as possible and track all possible errors in advance.

Get your money

And at the next stage, the student must confirm that the work was completed in full and on time, as well as the fact that all the necessary changes were made to it. For this, the student will have a 20-day warranty period during which the customer will analyze the text. After the end of this period when the student may require the necessary changes to the text, you will immediately be transferred the full amount of money for your work.

Withdraw the money to your card or bank account

Then you can withdraw the full amount of money to your credit or debit card or transfer to a bank account.

Prices and Payments on Studybay

To better understand why your work is worth this or that money, first of all, it is better to answer the question of how the price is formed. Most often, the price is established based on the type of work that you will need to do as well as the relative number of pages you need and the timing of the work.

Prices and Payments

Before you can make a competent price offer for the performance of your work, we recommend using a calculator which is located on the website. Thus, it is easy to determine the approximate cost of the work relative to the above parameters.

Average price for a paper on Studybay

On average, the price for a particular work on the help essay website starts at $5 per page. This does not mean that your work will cost that much. The fact is that each type of work has its own degree of complexity, and so the authors offer entirely different amounts of money for various kind of work. Therefore, it is better not to consider the minimum cost but pay more attention to the reviews about this or that author to make a competent choice and not waste time in vain.

Promo codes and discounts for Studybay services

Since the company has very successful experience in the market of writing works online on the Internet, some specific sites and services offer students to buy coupons or a promo code for writing a particular paper. Such offers are beneficial for those students whose works are significant in volume as this helps them to save money.

How to close your Studybay account

To answer a question, how do I close my studybay account, you need to log into your personal account and do it. If you have any difficulties closing your account, you can always look through website wiki or contact the support service to get competent advice on how to do it as quickly and conveniently as possible.

How to find the best writer on Studybay

There is nothing simpler than to choose a good writer. The most important thing is to examine each candidate before you make a final decision carefully. Thus you can be sure that the author which you have chosen will be able to perform the work at the proper level

What if you are not satisfied with the work?

Until the moment the work is written and the 20-day warranty period passes, you always have the opportunity to refuse to cooperate with a particular author. Such a refusal should be mutual. If there are real reasons why you should stop collaborating with the author, contact the support service and explain the situation.

If your work wasn’t written or did not meet your expectations, or the terms of writing the work were disrupted, you will need to write a review about this writer and also contact the support service to get your money back.

What is Studybay’s commission for services?

The company does not charge a writer fee.

Is it possible to get the money back?

Return of money is, of course possible. However, for this, there must have either specific reasons or mutual agreement between the author and the student about the termination of cooperation. In this case, the money will be refunded to the student’s account in full.

Studybay pros and cons

If you objectively analyze the activities of this service, it is worth noting that it, like most likely, and any other business has its own positive and negative sides. In this case, the pros clearly outweigh any negative cons.


  • Guaranteed service for both writers and students;
  • The lowest price for work;
  • Possibility of 100% money back;
  • Order fulfillment speed;
  • Perform all types of task.


  • Too many authors to do the job;
  • Lack of multi-channel phone support service.

How is Studybay different from other similar websites?

This service offers the most transparent terms of cooperation between the freelancer and the student. Moreover, the firm acts as a regulator of relations between these two sides in the resolution of disputable situations.

Who are the writers working on Studybay?

Absolutely any specialists from all over the world can become a writer on this service and receive as many jobs as possible. The main selection criterion is the presence of higher education and a diploma confirming knowledge and skills.

Pros and Cons of Studybay for students

This company is a unique platform for all students. The firm provides help to any student to properly prepare for the implementation of a particular task. Next, you should analyze all the positive and negative aspects of this service for the student.


  • Fast order fulfillment;
  • Options to cancel an order
  • Opportunity to choose the proposal from the authors;
  • Having a 20-day work editing period;
  • 100% refund in case of default by the author;
  • The possibility of making an advance payment;
  • The student pays only for finished work.


  • The refund procedure is a bit delayed;
  • A lot of time, one has to spend on the choice of an author.

Pros and Cons of Studybay for writers

Since the users of this service are as well authors, it is necessary to consider what positive and negative sides they will have to face.


  • A large number of proposals for the implementation of tasks;
  • The student should approve of you and send an invitation ASAP;
  • No commissions;
  • Guaranteed payment after the assignment is made.


  • Students sometimes write frivolous negative feedback;
  • After writing the work, you will need to wait 20 days while the student checks the work.

How quickly does Studybay approve new writers?

The answer to the question of how long does accreditation take is from 2 hours to several days.


Summarizing the review of the company, at the moment the service is one of the most optimal options for solving current problems in the educational process. Due to the fact that the firm provides a certain level of guarantees, the use of this service is straightforward for both writers and students. Besides, the service always considers various disputable situations from the point of view of both parties and always makes intelligent and informed decisions, either on a refund or on a mandatory payment.